My very first IMDb acting credit!

Hoping this blog post finds you well and thriving as the year 2023 comes to a close. I can’t believe how fast the year flew by!

The top excitement for me this month was finding my first acting credit for starring in the film, “The Perfect Candidate” added to…YES! The Internet Movie Database! I have always dreamt of my name being credited as Actress on this website- thought about how exciting it would be to create a profile and add credits to my name as the years go on and be labeled as “actress”… and I’ve done it! It was so much fun to participate with Movie Making Throughout the Bay (MMTB) in their feature film challenge and getting my first credit is still blowing my mind. The first of many on-screen acting credits for sure. Click the link below to see my page!

IMDb: Molly Miklos

Another joy this year was landing my first voiceover job for a TV commercial. The 30 second ad ran on televisions in the Austin, Texas area and also on YouTube. I could think of no better commercial to voice first than a commercial about mental health and seeking therapy if one needs it. The production crew with Therapy Austin was great to work with and I was so excited to show family and friends. Check it out here: Amazing Austinite

With the actor’s strike over, I’ve seen an influx in auditions from my agents as well as on casting sites. This last half of the year has felt slow and I have definitely been feeling a little low, but the addition of my name to IMDb as well as something SOON TO BE ANNOUNCED (!) will have 2024 starting off strong. Hint: I’m fulfilling a 2023 goal from my goal list!

Stay tuned for all that, and I hope you and yours have a happy holiday season!

Above top: a screenshot of my IMDb profile page

Above bottom: A thumbnail grab performing as Stacey in “The Perfect Candidate”


May brings new things- plus a catch-up!